Body Marked Biographically – Traces, Testimonies and Transgressions

Keywords: biography, body, stigmatizing, transformation, identity


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the analyses undertaken in the article is to show how the transformations concerning the body, both resulting from the intentional actions of the subject and unintentional processes are inscribed in the biography of the individual.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The most important research is as follows: in what situations related to the change within the body caused by a consciously made decision or random interference does the body becomes a tool of biographical memory and what kind of identity transformations does these processes? 

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The body-spirit opposition, in relation to undertaken considerations doesn’t have sufficient justification. The body, which is an intimate space, is also a ‘product’ of culture. Actions leading to changes concerning the body (intentional) and processes resulting in its change (unintentional) also involve the subjectivity of the individual; in consequence, its identity is modified. These changes take place at various levels of depth, taking the form of traces, testimonies and transgressions.

RESEARCH RESULTS: In the context of undertaken the most important considerations regarding the biographical marking of the body seem to be those which are related to the trajectory made by the subject in connection with the circumstances in his biography. The trajectory, which is a longer process of coming to terms with change, often divides the biography of the subject into the period ‘before’ and ‘after’ the change. What change turns out to be in the broader biographical plan de- pends among the others on the level of agency and reflexivity of the subject.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The relationships between the transformations of the body and the identity of the subject can take the form of a trace, testimony, or transformation that leads to transgression.



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How to Cite
Karkowska, M. (2023). Body Marked Biographically – Traces, Testimonies and Transgressions. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 22(62), 31-40.
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