Objectives of Logoprophylaxis, a New Concept of Prevention Risky Behavior of Young People. Theoretical Assumptions

Keywords: logoprophylaxis, logotherapy, logotheory, social prevention, prevention of risky behavior


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The article is conceptual and theoretical in nature. The scientific goal is to identify and initially characterize the goals of a new concept of prevention of risky behavior of young people: logoprophylaxis, which is the subject of the study.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The main research problem in this article boils down to the following question: how are the goals of logoprophylaxis formed in the context of the problems of logotheory and the theoretical basis of logotherapy? The research method is the analysis of selected data and theoretical foundations, obtained through a search.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: After introducing the topic of logoprophylaxis, which is a construct of practical preventive measures based directly on the assumptions of logotheory and logotherapy, the author marks the issue of purposefulness in social prevention.

RESEARCH RESULTS: He suggests that goals in prevention are tied to three aspects: the reason for which actions are taken, the process that leads to a specific goal, and the point to which we are aiming, i.e., the specific effect of actions.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Then the theme of the search for the meaning of life through experiencing oneself, in the context of freedom and responsibility, is addressed. Next, the question of realizing values in the lives of young people is marked, taking into account the division of values according to Viktor Frankl’s concept. The last element of consideration is the goal related to the young person’s effort, which is defined here as deed and action in pursuit of self-development and pro-community.


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How to Cite
Kmiecik-Jusięga, K. (2023). Objectives of Logoprophylaxis, a New Concept of Prevention Risky Behavior of Young People. Theoretical Assumptions. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 22(62), 121-130. https://doi.org/10.35765/hw.2023.2262.13