Adrenalin and Meaning: A Passionate Way of Being in Existential-Narrative Contexts

Keywords: passion, existential psychology, narrative approach, life-span, functioning and existing


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the article is to point out the importance of expanding the contexts used in the analyses of the phenomenon of “passion” with existential and narrative approaches. They enrich the understanding of this concept – setting directions and strategies for optimizing the process of supporting and controlling the degree of adaptability of passion in the life course.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The research problem is incongruity between common sense of passion (close to interests and/or hobby), its scientific definitions and research (concentrated on harmonious/obsessive types of a single, strongly preferred activity) and the visible potential of added contexts. The available knowledge needs to be supplemented with new meanings and practices.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: 1. Defining the available scope of knowledge on sources, types of expression and functions of passion during a life course. 2. Passion phenomenon analysis in existential and narrative approach: from content and activity – to self-feeding circular process. 3. Searching for possibilities of multiaspective (considering the mentioned contexts) sup- porting of passion.

RESEARCH RESULTS: 1. Broadening the understanding of passion as (1) the attention object; involved activity (2); subjective attribute (3) by a way of being (4). 2. Passion as a consequence of organismic factors involved in meaning-making strategies. 3. Deep functions: intensification of existence and supportive “patterns of experience processing”.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Existentially focused developmental tasks can be achieved using narrative approach (deep story-work), protecting (to some extend) against the trivialization of this phenomenon. 2. Searching for directions/ methodology of passion supporting. 3. Stressing the possibilities of passion support from early development to the end of life.


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How to Cite
Tokarska, U. (2023). Adrenalin and Meaning: A Passionate Way of Being in Existential-Narrative Contexts. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 22(63), 23-32.