Young People’s Passions and Technological Modernity

Keywords: passions, free time, the youth, new technologies, media


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the article is to learn about the current areas of passion, as well as, opinions on having these (assessment of their importance, the amount of time devoted to pursuing passions, verification in the emotional context) in the perception of young people. and the present day.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The research problem is the question about the areas of interest and passion of the contemporary youth in the context of intensive development and dissemination of technology. The study was conducted using the diagnostic survey method based on the author’s questionnaire. In the presented article, statements of young people aged 18 to 26, referring to their own interests and passions, were analyzed. An analysis of available reports and publications was performed, as well as own research (surveys).

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The key terms for the analysis were defined and the results of the survey were presented.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The conducted analysis showed not only the focus of interests and passions within two main areas, i.e. music and film, but, also indicated specific premises concerning the positive impact of having a passion on well-being, and also outlined the challenges related to the lack of sufficient time to pursue passions or the low share of schools in the process of developing passion, as well.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The research results presented in the paper do not only confirm the thesis about the dominance of interests and passions of contemporary youth in areas related to the modern Internet or television. The results of the research provide information about the most popular areas of passion among young people, and outline the challenges faced by e.g. in front of educational institutions, in the context of stimulating and developing passion.


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How to Cite
Dąbrowska, I. (2023). Young People’s Passions and Technological Modernity. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 22(63), 77-85.