The Labeling of the ‘Stranger’ in Totalizing Institutions. Subcultural Adaptation of Ukrainian Youth in Juvenile Rehabilitation Facilities

Keywords: rehabilitation institutions for juveniles, social isolation, migrants, ukrainian youth, marginal man


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the analysis is to describe the problem of placement and adaptation of Ukrainian youth in male juvenile rehabilitation institutions.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The main problem area is the experience of working with Ukrainian youth who committed crimes and were incarcerated in Polish male juvenile rehabilitation institutions. The analyses undertaken are based on an (auto)enthnographic research strategy and observations collected in the course of working with Ukrainian offenders.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The theoretical framework of the own research was made the concept of juvenile adaptation to selected dimensions of the totalization institution. The formal-legal context of isolation institutions was outlined, as well as the way of understanding and interpreting the ‘stranger’, the new juvenile of the institution in different spheres of functioning.

RESEARCH RESULTS: As a result of the analyses conducted, a specific and at the same time completely new context of (sub)cultural adaptation was characterised for the former pupils, who face not only social isolation, but also accumulated educational difficulties and the experience of migration and war.

CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND APPLICABLE VALUE OF RESEARCH: Research on refugee youth in isolation facilities is significant in the discourse on the quality of rehabilitative work with minors. The observed distinctiveness in the adaptation process of Ukrainians is helpful for educators in effectively planning pedagogical methods for the new group of juvenile offenders represented by war migrants.


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How to Cite
Cieślikowska-Ryczko, A. (2024). The Labeling of the ‘Stranger’ in Totalizing Institutions. Subcultural Adaptation of Ukrainian Youth in Juvenile Rehabilitation Facilities. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 23(65), 117-127.