Digital Media Use as a Source of Conflict in the Family

Keywords: family, family conflict, digital media, media education, parenting style


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The article is scientifically aimed is at collecting and describing the experiences of young adults regarding conflicts in the family that resulted from the extensive use of digital media during their adolescence.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHOD: The research problem of the article was to answer the question: to what extent, in the opinion of young adults, can the use of digital media be a source of conflict in the family? The method used was an interview, which allowed us to collect rich research material.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The article briefly characterizes the theoretical basis of the problem of conflict in the family. Also, the impact of digital media on the functioning of the modern family and related implications is described in it.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The analysis included young adults’ experiences of conflicts that occurred in their families against the background of digital media use. The respondents’ statements helped to identify the sources of misunderstandings and conflicts in the family, which resulted from the behaviour of individual family members, the ways in which they used digital media, and specific situations related to daily life.

CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATION AND APPLICABLE VALUE OF RESEARCH: The occurrence of conflicts in the family related to digital media use is conditioned by parental attitudes. Parents who prefer an authoritative approach mainly focus on ensuring their children’s digital hygiene. In contrast, those who are perceived by their children as authoritarian or neutral toward digital media use point out the child’s lack of offline activity and excessive escapes into the digital world. In the context of the dominance and continued presence of digital media in our lives, it is important to increase the role of media education for different age groups to enable constructive resolution to family conflicts.


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How to Cite
Pudełko, W., & Pulak, I. (2023). Digital Media Use as a Source of Conflict in the Family. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 22(64), 109-119.