Improving Digital Competences in Clusters

Keywords: digital competences, cluster, value, personal development, professional development


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The article characterizes selected aspects of improving digital competences in Polish clusters in the conditions of digital transformation.

RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: In the research process, the traditional methodology of scientific literature review, desk research and the case study method were used. During the qualitative research, the case study method allowed for an in-depth exploration of the selected research problem.

PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: There is no doubt that improving digital competences is a source of personal and professional development, including gaining knowledge and experience and shaping digital intelligence. Being aware of the value of this activity in clusters, it was considered justified to focus on the analysis of selected good practices of clusters in this area.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The research and analyzes conducted show that clusters provide appropriate conditions for the development of digital competences, which are very useful in the conditions of digital transformation. The innovative and socio-economic activity of clusters favors the continuous and efficient development of these competences, both in terms of their IT, information, communication and functional dimensions. This is very important because it can contribute to achieving their digital maturity.

CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND APPLICABLE VALUE OF RESEARCH: The current and scientifically interesting research topic discussed in the article requires further, more in-depth and interdisciplinary research and analysis. It is justified to take into account broader scientific considerations regarding the perception of not only methods, forms and tools for the development of digital competences, but also preparation for digital transformation and the degree of use of the potential of artificial intelligence. Research in this area, can contribute to a better understanding of contemporary processes, phenomena and trends in the knowledge-based economy and accelerate efficient digital transformation during turbulent environment.


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How to Cite
Bembenek, B. (2024). Improving Digital Competences in Clusters. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 23(65).