Entrepreneurial Attitudes and Behaviours Among Students of Wroclaw School of Banking – Survey Results

  • Katarzyna Kulig-Moskwa School of Banking in Wroclaw Institute of Management and Marketing e-mail: katarzyna.kulig-moskwa@wsb.wroclaw.pl
  • Agata Strzelczyk School of Banking in Wroclaw Institute of Economics
Keywords: entrepreneurship, attitudes, students


The article presents the results of the study conducted by the Research Group of Business and Management of Wroclaw School of Banking within the project Entrepreneurship among students of WSB. Its aim was to investigate entrepreneurial attitudes among students and to determine students' knowledge and practical skills needed to improve the educational programs of the School. The survey was conducted in the period between July and September 2013, and 860 students of Wroclaw School of Banking took part in it. The results demonstrate that most students perceive themselves as entrepreneurial, and nearly 35% say that they continuously increase their entrepreneurial commitment. Respondents often associate their careers with small companies or own firms. Almost 40% intend to set up their own business in the near future. They are motivated mainly by independence but also by the prospect of financial benefits and the realization of their own interests. As for reasons for unwillingness to start their own business, respondents frequently mention risk aversion, the fear of liability and excessive administrative barriers.


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How to Cite
Kulig-Moskwa, K., & Strzelczyk, A. (2014). Entrepreneurial Attitudes and Behaviours Among Students of Wroclaw School of Banking – Survey Results. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 13(28), 81-94. Retrieved from https://horyzontywychowania.ignatianum.edu.pl/HW/article/view/25