Students’ Attitudes Towards ChatGPT in Education

Keywords: ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, education, students, attitudes


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the article is to characterize students’ attitudes towards ChatGPT in education.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The main research question was: What are the attitudes of students towards ChatGPT in education? Moreover, an attempt was made to deter- mine how individual components of students’ attitudes (behavioral, cognitive, emotional) towards ChatGPT are differentiated by the type of studied field (social-humanistic vs. scientific). The diagnostic survey method was used. To collect the necessary data, an online questionnaire was used. The study involved 189 students aged 17 to 52 (M = 21.83, SD = 4.96).

THE PROCES OF ARGUMENTATION: The theoretical part of the text explains what artificial intelligence (AI) is and characterizes ChatGPT. Scientific works addressing the issues of opportunities and threats of using the language model in education were indicated. The empirical part presents the results of own research and conclusions.

RESEARCH RESULTS: Student attitudes towards ChatGPT vary. Nevertheless, students of sciences are definitely more positive than those of social and humanities, which is expressed in their beliefs about the tool and the dominant emotions. A positive attitude also signals the fact of testing the chatbot and the willingness to use it in the near future.

CONSULSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND APPLICABLE VALUE OF RESEARCH: It is worth teachers preparing for the fact that ChatGPT will be used by students and it would be good for them to learn how to use it. It is worth developing regulations specifying the extent to which students and teachers can use ChatGPT in education. It is also worth monitoring attitudes towards ChatGPT, because they will certainly change as knowledge and experience in using AI increases. The conduct- ed research can contribute to the analysis of educational behaviours among young people using AI.


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How to Cite
Franczyk, A., & Rajchel, A. (2024). Students’ Attitudes Towards ChatGPT in Education. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 23(65), 89-101.