Edukacja w dobie sztucznej inteligencji. Wprowadzenie w problematykę i próba zarysowania niektórych pól problemowych

Keywords: education, artificial intelligence, school, university, media education


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the article is an attempt to synthesize the problem areas and identify the issues that arise on the horizon of the term „Artificial Intelligence – Education”. The article outlines selected current developmental trends in educational theory and prac- tice, changes that are/will be taking place in teaching/learning processes over the next few years, in terms of the use of new technologies/artificial intelligence.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The problem question was formulated as follows: which issues should be taken into account in social (including pedagogical) reflection around the triad of artificial intelligence – technological progress – education? The method of literature analysis and content selection and reconstruction was used to obtain a synthesis of the issues discussed.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The realization of the goal and the answer to the prob- lem question was included in the process of argument, which consists of: an introduction to the issue, the presented analyses and reflections (framed in bipolar terms) on the essence, interre- lationships, dependencies between artificial intelligence and education (in terms of freedom and discretion of human action).

RESEARCH RESULTS: Reflection on the issues addressed indicates the multidimensionality of the analyzed area; the analyses and reflections presented prove the conceptual (and purposeful) diversity within the studied reality, and the analyses presented suggest the need for changes in some dimensions/scopes of institutional education.

CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND APPLICABEL VALUE OF RESEARCH: There is a need to prepare universal studies of the nature of, among other things, an in-depth critical discourse on artificial intelligence and its educational orientation. In the face of new educational challenges (but also threats), under conditions of constant socio-cultural change, it is necessary to develop knowledge, skills and competencies – especially of the younger generation – in order to effectively undertake critical discourses.


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How to Cite
Kowalski, M., & Tomaszewska, R. (2024). Edukacja w dobie sztucznej inteligencji. Wprowadzenie w problematykę i próba zarysowania niektórych pól problemowych. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 23(65), 11-19.