Catholic Approach to the Issues of Marriage and Family in the Pedagogical Works of Janusz Homplewicz (1931–2006)
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The objective of the article is to elucidate the Catholic perspective on marriage and family issues as presented in the scholarly contributions of Professor Janusz Homplewicz.
THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The author addresses the inquiry into the model of marriage and family espoused in Janusz Homplewicz’s pedagogical discourse, along with his portrayal of the roles of spouses and parents in evolving family dynamics. The analysis relies on a thorough examination of Janusz Homplewicz’s publications within the realm of family pedagogy.
THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The article presents the Catholic family model as a nurturing and educational environment. Particular emphasis is placed on the values underpinning family functioning, the interrelations among its members, and the process of raising children. Additionally, considerations extend to readiness for responsible family and social life, including preparation for old age.
RESEARCH RESULTS: The provision of education on models of family life and exemplary marital relationships empowers young individuals to shape their future family and marital life and make the right choices in these domains.
CONCLUSION, RECOMMENDATIONS, AND APPLICABLE VALUE OF RESEARCH: There is a need to foster emotional and spiritual maturity among youth for marriage and parenthood by instilling and promoting suitable patterns of family life. This entails cultivating appropriate marital and parental dispositions grounded in an understanding of the psychological distinctions between men and women.
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