The Pros and Cons of Preschool and Early School Teachers’ Collaboration With Parents in the Light of Their Experiences

Keywords: collaboration with parents, parents at school, parents at preschool, preschool teachers, early school education teachers


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The objective of the research was to demonstrate the nature of collaboration of preschool and early school teachers with parents, based on the teachers’ experiences.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The research sought answers to questions concerning the positive and negative aspects of working with parents of teachers of the youngest children and the significance of these experiences for the functioning of the respondents in their profession. The diagnostic survey was used as the research method, and the research tool consisted of a proprietary survey questionnaire.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: Today the parents are increasingly willing to influence the work of the teachers, which undermines the teachers’ autonomy, and leads to numerous conflicts. Teachers of children entering education are in a peculiar situation, due to the specific nature of their collaboration with parents. Determining the causes of difficulties in mutual relations may constitute the basis for implementing corrective actions in this area.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The surveyed teachers appreciate the involvement of parents, but they also require acceptance and appreciation from their side. When faced with comments or claims, they experience stress, which they try to alleviate through maladaptive coping styles. This, in turn, makes them indifferent and discouraged, and even triggers thoughts of leaving their careers.

CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND APPLICABLE VALUE OF RESEARCH: In order to improve the quality of collaboration with parents, teachers need to work on their assertiveness, which will improve their self‑esteem and autonomy and allow them to build constructive interpersonal relationships. Universities preparing candidates for this profession and vocational training centers should support teachers in developing the personality dispositions that are required in their work.


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How to Cite
Zubrzycka-Maciąg, T. (2024). The Pros and Cons of Preschool and Early School Teachers’ Collaboration With Parents in the Light of Their Experiences . HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 23(66), 61-71.