Artistic Education in Jerzy Vetulani’s Perspective: A Comparative Analysis With Irena Wojnar’s Polish Concept of Aesthetic Education

Keywords: evolution, brain, homo sapiens, art, aesthetic education


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: This article aims to present the anthropological, aesthetic, and pedagogical foundations of Jerzy Vetulani’s postulate of artistic education and compare it with Irena Wojnar’s concept of aesthetic education.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The research questions are: What are the anthropological, aesthetic, and pedagogical foundations of Vetulani’s postulate of artistic education? Is there a similarity between Vetulani’s postulate and Wojnar’s proposal of education through art? To achieve these objectives, the content analysis method based on Karolina Szczepaniak’s model was used.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: Starting with Vetulani’s neurobiological views, the article first presents art as a defining characteristic of homo sapiens and a key activator of the human brain, especially its cognitive functions. It then discusses the pedagogical assumptions of Vetulani’s postulate. The comparison between Vetulani’s and Wojnar’s concepts is made by examining their anthropological assumptions and the role of art in human development.

RESEARCH RESULTS: According to Vetulani, the relationship between humans and art is bio- logically determined, with art being essential for achieving full humanity. Both Vetulani and Wojnar view humans as inherently open to art, which plays a significant role in the upbringing process.

CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS, AND APPLICABLE VALUE OF RESEARCH: Vetulani and Wojnar both emphasize the importance of art in human education. Brain imaging technology can enhance traditional aesthetic education. Activating the brain’s cognitive functions through art, particularly cognitive attention as highlighted by Vetulani, can be beneficial in treating common concentration disorders in children and adolescents.


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How to Cite
Kowalczyk, M. M. (2024). Artistic Education in Jerzy Vetulani’s Perspective: A Comparative Analysis With Irena Wojnar’s Polish Concept of Aesthetic Education. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 23(67), 147-156.