Development of Empathy When Raising a Child in a Cultural Environment That Sanctions Aggression and Violence

Keywords: upbringing children, empathy, sociocultural patterns, aggression, violence


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this article is to deepen the knowledge of the significance of developing empathy in the upbringing of young people. This issue concerns various contexts, in which specific patterns and other cultural factors may negatively affect this process.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The primary focus of the study was to investigate the relationship between the development of cognitive empathy among the younger generations and their sociocultural environment. The research approach included a comparative analysis that utilized qualitative data collected through ethnographic fieldwork conducted in the Polish regions of Masovia and Podlasie.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The considerations involved several sequential stages, beginning with the presentation of theoretical underpinnings and followed by the examination and explanation of the results of the qualitative research. The final stage entails the construction of postulates and the derivation of conclusions.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The comparative study demonstrates the fact that there is a need to con- duct further research on the significance of the social and cultural factors that influence adolescents’ and children’s cognitive empathy development. These phenomena not only play an important role in building peer relationships, but they also influence the quality of relationships formed later in adult life.

CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND APPLICABLE VALUE OF RESEARCH: It is crucial to attain a more comprehensive understanding of the cultural and social factors that inhibit the development of cognitive empathy and morality in young people. Studies indicate that fostering cognitive empathy can diminish the inclination toward aggression and violence within peer groups. It is imperative to continue investigating the origins of peer violence across diverse cultural settings. Consequently, there is a pressing need to undertake further research at both the local and global scales.


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How to Cite
Józefów –Czerwińska, B. (2024). Development of Empathy When Raising a Child in a Cultural Environment That Sanctions Aggression and Violence. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 23(66), 135-143.