Intergenerational Religious Socialization in Families: Insights from Vern Bengtson’s Work (1941–2019)

Keywords: intergenerational transmission, religious socialization, family dynamics, arental emotional warmth, Vern Bengtson


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: This study aims to examine the conditions for intergenerational religious socialization in families, with a focus on Vern Bengtson’s extensive longitudinal research.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The analysis starts with the question: What elements of family dynamics facilitate the transmission of religious values to the next generation? Using qualitative content analysis, we examine Bengtson’s key work, Families and Faith, to reconstruct and interpret his views on religious socialization within families.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The argument is structured around analyzing factors that are significant for religious transmission in families, such as emotional warmth between parents and children, parental tolerance of children’s religious choices, and the supportive role of grandparents.

RESEARCH RESULTS: Bengtson’s studies reveal that emotional closeness between parents and children is crucial for effective religious transmission. High parental warmth and acceptance significantly increase the likelihood of children adopting their parents’ religious beliefs and practices. Grandparents also play a vital role in reinforcing religious values, especially in families with strong intergenerational ties. Conversely, in families with divorced parents or mixed marriages, the likelihood of effective religious socialization decreases.

CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS, AND APPLICABLE VALUE OF RESEARCH: The findings suggest that fostering emotional bonds within the family and allowing children to explore their religious beliefs can enhance the intergenerational transmission of faith. These insights are valuable for understanding religious dynamics in contemporary families and can guide religious education and family counseling strategies.


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How to Cite
Kochanowicz, J. (2024). Intergenerational Religious Socialization in Families: Insights from Vern Bengtson’s Work (1941–2019). HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 23(67), 71-81.