Shaping Entrepreneurial Attitudes in Entrepreneurship Education with the Use of Case Studies and Metaphors Connected with Sport

  • Urszula Starakiewicz University of Warsaw Faculty of Management Department of Organizational Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Magdalena Kubów University of Warsaw Faculty of Management Department of Organizational Innovation and Entrepreneurship e-mail:
Keywords: entrepreneurship, sports metaphor, case study


The article addresses entrepreneurship education from the perspective of sport. In their search for the most effective methods of teaching entrepreneurship, the authors focus on the importance of combining two perspectives in order to understand the core of entrepreneurship. Two different dimensions of activity – running a business and doing sport – are juxtaposed within the frames of a case study and metaphors in teaching entrepreneurship. The inspiration for this idea was the authors’ experience with teaching entrepreneurship at the university level. In an attempt to understand entrepreneurship, students very often compare the world of business with the world of sport, with which they are usually familiar. The authors present the possibilities offered by a case study and metaphors within the sports industry. The article reviews the subject literature devoted to metaphors and case studies in education and presents their possible applications in entrepreneurship education.


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How to Cite
Starakiewicz, U., & Kubów, M. (2014). Shaping Entrepreneurial Attitudes in Entrepreneurship Education with the Use of Case Studies and Metaphors Connected with Sport. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 13(28), 95-110. Retrieved from