Shaping Entrepreneurial Attitudes in Entrepreneurship Education with the Use of Case Studies and Metaphors Connected with Sport

  • Wioletta Kilar Pedagogical University of Cracow Institute of Geography Department of Entrepreneurship and Spatial Planning
  • Tomasz Rachwał Pedagogical University of Cracow Institute of Geography Department of Entrepreneurship and Spatial Planning National Council for Entrepreneurship e-mail:
Keywords: business activity, entrepreneurial attitude, entrepreneurship, curriculum higher education, poland


The purpose of this article is to present the results of the study on the perception of  business start-up activity by students of non-economic fields of study as an expression of their entrepreneurial mind-sets. The study involved students of the Faculty of Geography and Biology at the Pedagogical University of Cracow (Biology, Geography, Spatial Management, Environmental Protection, Tourism and Recreation), for whom a course in entrepreneurship was obligatory in their first year. The study identified factors that encourage young people to start their own business, as well as barriers that discourage them from it. The authors also point at the lack of a significant relationship between what students study and the type of their planned business activities. The article ends with the conclusions and practical recommendations, which draw attention to the necessary changes in the state policy with regard to self-employment and the development of the SME sector or family businesses and training in the non-economical fields of study, where students can gain knowledge and skills in many areas not directly related to company management, but which can be successfully used in running their own business.


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How to Cite
Kilar, W., & Rachwał, T. (2014). Shaping Entrepreneurial Attitudes in Entrepreneurship Education with the Use of Case Studies and Metaphors Connected with Sport. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 13(28), 111-130. Retrieved from