Adoption as a Means to Parenthood and a Family

  • Anna Błasiak Jesuit University in Krakow Institute of Education Sciences e-mail:
Keywords: adoption, adoptee, adopter, adoptive Family, social orphancy, adoption triangle


attention for social scientists dealing with the issue from both theoretical and practical perspectives. The aim of the article is to contribute to the academic reflection in the area. The article focuses on the compensatory aspects of adoption, On the one hand, adoption is a form of compensation for social orphancy, and, on the other hand, it gives childless couples a possibility to create a family and to fulfill their roles as parents. The author analyses selected aspects connected with shaping the identity of an adoptive family From the methodological perspective, the article offers a synthetic overview of subject literature and its constructive criticism.


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How to Cite
Błasiak, A. (2015). Adoption as a Means to Parenthood and a Family. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 14(29), 63-73. Retrieved from
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