Children in Non-Professional Foster Family in Krakow – Research Results and Recommendation

  • Izabela Górska Jagiellonian University in Krakow Institute of Education
Keywords: Foster care, Foster Family, child and Family care and support system


The aim of this article is to indicate whether the contemporary nonprofessional foster family creates the right care and raising conditions to a child who has been abandoned by his or her biological parents. The spectrum of these conditions should enable a child to meet his o her basic needs as well as give preparation for further self-reliant existence. This article has been written based on an empirical research which was a part of my PhD thesis and included individual study cases of 20 non-professional foster families and their 22 children from Cracow. The article shows selected results of research and also some recommendations which may be useful in optimizing the support system of this form of foster care in future.


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How to Cite
Górska, I. (2015). Children in Non-Professional Foster Family in Krakow – Research Results and Recommendation. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 14(29), 93-105. Retrieved from
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