Enterprising Teacher as a Successful Educator

  • Jan Czechowski B. Czech University of Physical Education in Kraków Institute of Social Sciences Department of Pedagogy e-mail: j.czechowski@onet.pl
Keywords: teacher?s personality, effectiveness of education, educational errors, disciplining of teenagers, self-formation


Civilizational progress and the reality of life in today’s world, to some extent, impose on persons responsible for education of the next gen­ eration the adoption of new strategies of conduct and the creation of a new image of the teacher, educator and guardian. Undoubtedly, this transformation should aim towards development of such features as ef­ fectiveness, versatility, openness – in a word – enterprise. The teacher, being an enterprising human being, skilfully achieves the development and skills needed to work with today’s teenagers and children. Nowa­ days, when there is an axiological and ideological loss, we need educa­ tors who are oriented towards lasting values, both with openness and a willingness to adopt new forms of educational interaction. We should still ask questions about the ways of solving disciplinary conflicts and forms of effective education. The aim of this research is to determine the meaning and essence of a notion: an enterprising  teacher  in  the context of the effectiveness of his/her educational actions. The persons evaluated in this research belong to different social groups, and their observations and remarks serve to formulate general conclusions and the thesis concerning issues of effectiveness of education in the per­ spective of openness, enterprise and the innovativeness of the teacher.


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How to Cite
Czechowski, J. (2014). Enterprising Teacher as a Successful Educator. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 13(26), 145-163. Retrieved from https://horyzontywychowania.ignatianum.edu.pl/HW/article/view/3