Editorial: Reason after All

  • Wit Pasierbek Jesuit University in Krakow


The characteristics of reason (Latin ratio) and reason in general, so much essential in man’s rational existence, have been examined for a long time. Ancient Greeks thought that reason is a reflective ability, which concentrates on some subject in order to get to know it. Eventually developing this notion theoretically in philosophy and religion, they indicated that reason is an instrument of thinking, which understands the world and man’s existence and learns, coordinates and has control over everything. Plato ascribed divine power, which rules the world, to reason; whereas Aristotle,  differentiating between theoretical and practical reason, claimed
that reason is characterized by immortality and divinity...
How to Cite
Pasierbek, W. (2015). Editorial: Reason after All. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 8(15), 9-11. Retrieved from https://horyzontywychowania.ignatianum.edu.pl/HW/article/view/329