Business-Science Cooperation in Poland in the Lodz Region

  • Jadwiga Kaczmarska-Krawczak Social Sciences Academy in Lodz Department of Management e-mail:
Keywords: knowledge, innovations, entrepreneurship, technology transfer


Developing knowledge-based economy is not possible without the ability to cooperate and to transfer knowledge between enterprises and scientific institutions. Great expectations are voiced with regard to the advancement of science, with the emphasis put on the ability to turn knowledge into new products or services. Knowledge, creativity, innovations, entrepreneurship and technology transfer play an increasingly important role. The expectations are connected with mechanisms of including scientific institutions in economic spheres and creating multifunctional business relationships. The necessity of deepening the integration of the so-called knowledge triangle, that is science, education and innovation, is enhanced. Moreover, science and research sector are considered a flywheel of knowledge-based economy. The aim of the paper is the assessment of business-science cooperation in Poland on the basis of the survey carried out in 2012 within the project with transnational component:“The Co-operation of Science and Business as a Factor Enhancing Innovativeness of the Lodz Region”, co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund.




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How to Cite
Kaczmarska-Krawczak, J. (2014). Business-Science Cooperation in Poland in the Lodz Region. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 13(28), 237-248. Retrieved from