Aacademic Business Incubators: Quality Assessment of their Online Resources as the Example of Sharing Information on the Internet by Istitutions Promoting and Supporting Business in Poland

  • Anna Zajdel University of Technology and Life Sciences them. Jan and Jędrzej Śniadeckich in Bydgoszcz Faculty of Management e-mail: aniaazajdel@gmail.com
Keywords: academic business incubator, online information, information source, website


The aim of the article is to analyse and assess website content of fifty-four Academic Business Incubators united in the 'FAIP' (Academic Business Incubators Foundation, “FAIP” in Polish).The assessment employed the quality-heuristic method, which was based on thirty pre-defined individual criteria divided into the following categories:  Outlook (the graphical content, the general look and the structure of the website), Content (the quality of information presented on the website), and Use (the ease of access, etc.). The study allowed for a detailed evaluation of the information presented on the websites, its range, usefulness, and presentation techniques. The findings are particularly important for students and graduates as they are the beneficiaries of Academic Business Incubators.


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How to Cite
Zajdel, A. (2014). Aacademic Business Incubators: Quality Assessment of their Online Resources as the Example of Sharing Information on the Internet by Istitutions Promoting and Supporting Business in Poland. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 13(28), 289-301. Retrieved from https://horyzontywychowania.ignatianum.edu.pl/HW/article/view/37