Education as a Stimulating Factor for Entrepreneurship Development

  • Nelly Daszkiewicz Gdańsk University of Technology Faculty of Management and Economics Department of Economics e-mail:
Keywords: entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship education


The main purpose of the paper is to present the role of education, particularly entrepreneurial education  for entrepreneurship develop­ ment. The paper is theoretical and includes both a literature review and two important world reports (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor and WEF Global Education  Initiative) on entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial education. The problems discussed  in  the article embrace  theoreti­ cal aspects of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneur, the approach to entrepreneurship, directions of research on entrepreneurship and the role of education in the entrepreneurial process and entrepreneurship development. It also presents international comparative studies of en­ trepreneurship with a focus on education factor in entrepreneurial pro­ cess as well as selected research results on the impact of education on entrepreneurship.


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How to Cite
Daszkiewicz, N. (2014). Education as a Stimulating Factor for Entrepreneurship Development. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 13(26), 165-177. Retrieved from