Gender Identity in the Perspective of Bio‑psychological Approaches – Analysis, Reconstruction, and Discussion
The study considers the results of biologists’ efforts in their search for neuro-hormonal factors of gender identity with reference to the complexity of the issue of sex and gender in psychology as an anthropological science. Considering the theoretical and meta-theoretical multiplicity of the latter, as well as its vain empirical results the biological perspective may serve to verify the approaches used in the area of psychology sensu stricto. They may then shed some additional light on the question of gender identity. On the other hand though, they may themselves become an object to be analysed and assessed with regard to their cognitive value. In order to achieve this goal, the first part of the text presents an outline of the psychology of sex and gender underlying the main questions that lead the psychologists’ efforts in this research area. The second part presents the reconstructed issues in the perspective of biology as well as the discussion on the cognitive value of the perspective in question.
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