Adolescent’s Individualism and the Family Community System in the Psychological Perspective

  • Katarzyna Walęcka-Matyja University of Lodz Faculty of Educational Sciences Institute of Psychology e-mail:
Keywords: individualism, family system, adolescence, social support


The aim of the study presented was to show the plane of the family system as a contact area of the two types of individualism – adolescent’s and parent’s. In modern times, Polish family is moving towards the model of independence which assumes a high level of autonomy of all family members and meaningless interpersonal relations. The study attempts to answer the question about the relation of openness and seeking support by adolescents from their parents, characteristic of the 21st century conditions. The survey method was applied to examine 172 adults (86 women and 86 men). The average age was 43. The average age of the children ranged from 12 to 16. Analysing the collected empirical material, it was stated that in the era of the crisis in family cohesion, in most cases, family continues to be the source of support for young people seeking themselves and the concept of the world. The results obtained allowed us to show the existence of variables characterising the parents and the families that facilitate the relation of openness and seeking support by adolescents (including parents’ age above 40, female gender, the place of residence in urban areas). Other variables incorporated in the study (type of parents’ relationship, the number of children in the family, parents’ educational level, the economic situation of the family) were not significant from the point of view of the analyses performed.


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How to Cite
Walęcka-Matyja, K. (2013). Adolescent’s Individualism and the Family Community System in the Psychological Perspective. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 12(24), 37-58. Retrieved from