Polish Family as the Setting for Life and Upbringing in the 21st Century – Individual Experiences and Interpretations

  • Renata Doniec Jagiellonian University Department of Philosophy Institute of Education e-mail: renata.doniec@uj.edu.pl
Keywords: family as the setting for life and upbringing, development and upbringing opportunities of the family, trends in the transformations of the Polish family in the 21st century, individual experiences and interpretations, perception of the family


The aim of this article is to show Polish family as the setting for life and upbringing in the first decade of the 21st century on an example of individual experiences and interpretations. The article consists of two parts. The first part presents the characteristics of the family as the setting for life, its potential for development and upbringing in contemporary society and culture as well as the main trends in the transformation of the Polish family in the 21st century. The second part of the article constitutes an analysis of the written statements published in the press showing various interpretations of certain aspects of family life based on their authors’ own experiences in relation to such issues as: understanding family, its meaning and appeal, the conditions of a successful married and family life, difficulties and problems related to upbringing, the transfer of values, family crises. In conclusion, we compared the tendencies resulting from the subjective perception of changes taking place in a family, including their objective presentation over the past ten years.



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How to Cite
Doniec, R. (2013). Polish Family as the Setting for Life and Upbringing in the 21st Century – Individual Experiences and Interpretations. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 12(24), 163-195. Retrieved from https://horyzontywychowania.ignatianum.edu.pl/HW/article/view/465