Gender in the Rural Space
The essence of the article is to present how the model of gender exists in the rural environment, to identify the most important male and female roles and to show the way gender is perceived. Over the centuries traditional rural community has created its own system of gender that is different from the one present in the mass culture. Research in the south of the Lesser Poland area shows a clear distinction between feminine and masculine worlds. These two worlds exist side by side, but also in opposition to each other. Men and women work and fulfil their roles in different areas. Female activity is confined to the private sphere; home, family, raising children and working on the farm. Public sphere is male-dominated. Man works outside home, earns money to support his family, makes important decisions and represents his family outside. Man is dominant and woman – subordinated in the traditional male and female system. Individualism and deviations from the accepted norms are perceived as negative. It should be noted that women are subject to greater public control and criticism than men in undesirable situations, such as cohabitation or divorce. Mass culture and social transformations are influencing changes in the rural male-female system and in the local world view regarding masculinity and femininity.
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