The Situation of Entrepreneurship in the Educational System of France and its Influence on the Economic Activation of Regions. The Idea of l’Esprit d’Entreprise
The intention of the following article is to present the situation and role of entrepreneurship in the educational system of France. It has been recently noted that entrepreneurship education was reserved for higher education only. By means of the découverte professionnelle module in troduced in 2004 in lower secondary classes, it was decided to acquaint its participants with contemporary economic conditions and prepare them for their future professional activity. France was traditionally not perceived as having stong entrepreneurship. To examine the issue clos- er, the determinants of entrepreneurship development have been ana- lyzed in terms of its teaching as well as regional differences in attitudes of enterprising Frenchmen in relation to the number of new companies. Have these efforts boosted the spirit of French entrepreneurship? In the following article the authors used the statistical data provided by French scientific institutions: Agence pour la création d’entreprises (APCE) and Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques (INSEE).
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