Creator’s Solitude. The Educational and Anti-Educational Aspects of Solitude

  • Wiesław Wójcik Higher School of Administration in Bielsko-Biala e-mail:
Keywords: primary solitude, secondary solitude, hoene?wroński, kierkegaard, the anthropology of solitude, the pedagogy of solitude, creator?s solitude


Making good use of the experience of solitude and revealing struggle which great creators faced within the relations with the world and with themselves play an important role in pedagogical practice. The following paper shows this work on one’s own solitude and lack of understanding on the example of the selected fragments of a biography of an eminent Polish scholar Józef Maria Hoene-Wroński. The tool used in this research is an appropriately expressed anthropology of solitude based on the analysis of the selected fragments of the Book of Genesis, J. Kaczmarski’s poem “Pusty raj” (“Empty Paradise”) and the experience of solitude by S. Kierkegaard. Primary and secondary solitude is distinguished and their place in the process of education is shown.


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How to Cite
Wójcik, W. (2013). Creator’s Solitude. The Educational and Anti-Educational Aspects of Solitude. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 12(23), 37-53. Retrieved from
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