Interpersonal Communication – between Loneliness and Creativity

  • Janusz Miąso Uniwersytet Rzeszowski Wydział Pedagogiczny Katedra Pedagogiki Medialnej e-mail:
Keywords: intrapersonal communication, interpersonal communication, personalism, cognitive openness of a person


Communication is one of the most important and absolutely basic activities taking place in individual human bodies as well as in social organisms. If we “look into” the most important human organ – that is the brain – the neuron communication is an absolute basis of the brain activity. Such intrahuman facts can be multiplied. The beginning, therefore, is not loneliness but intrapersonal communication – inside the person – which transforms loneliness into a desire of interpersonal communication. The whole thing creates a certain system which is constantly growing – a rich inside, with its rich communication wants to communicate using what is outside with another person who possesses a similar richness of the inside and the outside. The consequence of this process is yet another comeback to one’s inside where a person experiences, enriches and reinforces his desire to turn to others and, therefore, he becomes permanently more creative. The entirety of these processes is very complex and not fully discovered; today it also experiences new pressures and difficulties, especially the excess of stimuli. I want to invite the Reader to search for better communication with oneself as a person and with others as persons, so that loneliness saturated with intrapersonal communication could lead to a richer interpersonal communication making an individual more creative and the whole to create a human organism, in which a permanent communication could elevate the society to higher levels of creativity and ethics.

Author Biography

Janusz Miąso, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski Wydział Pedagogiczny Katedra Pedagogiki Medialnej e-mail:
University of Rzeszow
Faculty of Education
Department of Education Media


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How to Cite
Miąso, J. (2013). Interpersonal Communication – between Loneliness and Creativity. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 12(23), 77-91. Retrieved from
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