Education for Human Maturity – the Condition of Fruitful Experiencing Solitude by Priests and Consecrated People
The aim of the article is to present the most important goals of education that prepares for experiencing solitary lives (in celibacy) by priests and consecrated men in a mature way. The author emphasizes the distinction between “solitude” characteristic for adopting a certain way of life and “loneliness” – a set of negative feelings which can be, but not necessarily so, relevant to a lonely life. The most crucial goal of education for solitude that relies on shaping human maturity has been analysed in the study. At the same time, a special attention has been drawn to the development of emotional maturity among the candidates for living in celibacy and people pursuing such ideal. This aspect seems to be crucial in view of the need to develop their spiritual fatherhood. The article also focuses on the need of consciousness of a real sense and meaning of solitary life among priests. Such issues as the problem of connection between solitude and community life and the educational tasks related to mature participation of solitary people in relations with others have been discussed in the study as well.
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