The Centre and the Purpose of Truth Searching in the Thinking of Ján Chryzostom Korec

  • Milan Jozek Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Department of General and Applied Ethics
Keywords: the truth, consumerism, relativism, egoism, contemplation, freedom, inculturation


Contemplation is nourished with the things of this world and leads us to the activity. The cognition of the truth is based on the reason but the potential and instance of the reason itself is not enough. The truth is the root of the freedom. Man is free because he is able to know the truth. The deficiency of instinctive self-regulation in humans must be compensated by the moral law of freedom or by the order of law. The value potential of the true reality is of sensory character. The character of contemporary society is to a large degree marked with atomization, individualism and consumerism. Man does not find the true values by retreating within himself but through opening up. The opinion that for man it is more important to search the truth than to reach it is a demonstration of disregard of the truth. The scientific culture does not contradict to the humanistic or mystic culture.


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How to Cite
Jozek, M. (2013). The Centre and the Purpose of Truth Searching in the Thinking of Ján Chryzostom Korec. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 12(23), 217-250. Retrieved from