Academic Entrepreneurship in the Humanities and Social Sciences: Research Conducted among Students of Wroclaw University

  • Leszek Kwieciński University of Wrocław Faculty of Social Sciences Institute of International Studies e-mail:
  • Agnieszka Młodzińska-Granek University of Wrocław Faculty of Social Sciences Institute of International Studies e-mail:
Keywords: academic entrepreneurship, education, humanities and social sciences


The article explores the notion of entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviors in the sphere of academic entrepreneurship that had not been hitherto thoroughly researched. The goal of the article is to analyse the academic entrepreneurship in the humanities and social sciences. The research conducted among students of Wroclaw University was based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (I. Ajzen, 1991) and the Model of Entrepreneurial Event (A. Shapero, I. Sokol, 1982). For research purposes, the authors conducted questionnaires consisting of three parts. Part one comprised questions regarding entrepreneurial attitudes. Part two concerned future professional plans of students, including motivation to start a company. In part three, the respondents evaluated innovation and entrepreneurship centers. The results of the research support the conclusions that entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviors are already being formed at the stage of education. The findings show that there is a need to form strategic educational programs that would provide proper incentives supporting students in developing their entrepreneurial abilities. In particular, this should include the humanities and social sciences.


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How to Cite
Kwieciński, L., & Młodzińska-Granek, A. (2014). Academic Entrepreneurship in the Humanities and Social Sciences: Research Conducted among Students of Wroclaw University. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 13(26), 33-49. Retrieved from