Games and gamification systems as a modern tools in university education

  • Danuta Smołucha Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie Wydział Filozoficzny
Keywords: education, game, gamification, initiative



The aim of the article is to present the phenomenon of gamification, and an analysis of the benefits which derive from the introduction of the education methods and tools based on gamification systems.



The article provides some examples of the universities, where gamification courses (based on gamification systems) were introduced as part of their teaching program. There have been also identified and analysed the benefits resulting from the implementation of  this innovative method into the educational process.



In the first part of the article the emphasis is laid on  the need for development of entrepreneurial attitudes of the students who will follow a professional career path after graduating. There is an opportunity that by applying game simulation and gamification systems to a process of entrepreneurial education one can enhance and intensify its results.  In the next part of the article we offer several examples of how gamification is applied in teaching and what benefits it produces. In the final part of the article the reasons were given why gamification is still only used  in few educational institutions in Poland.



The analysis of the examples given in the article, as well as the conclusions of the studies, which were conducted both in Poland and abroad, allows us  to formulate the conclusion that gamification is a valuable tool which can help to develop in pupils and students  the  features which are desired and sought at today's labour market.



The use of activating educational methods, which are  based on modern technologies, in the educational process is not only an opportunity for modern education, but also a big challenge. The formation of entrepreneurial attitudes in pupils and students should start from educating educators because it is on them that the task of implementing modern tools in education rests.


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How to Cite
Smołucha, D. (2016). Games and gamification systems as a modern tools in university education. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 15(34), 231-244.