Entrepreneurial Education in Poland in the Context of an Institutional Profile and an International Comparison of Entrepreneurial Activity

  • Przemysław Zbierowski University of Economics in Katowice Faculty of Management Department of Entrepreneurship e-mail: Przemysław.zbierowski@ue.katowice.pl
Keywords: entrepreneurship education, global entrepreneurship monitor, country institutional profile for entrepreneurship


The paper presents the actual state of entrepreneurship education in Poland in the context of the level of entrepreneurship compared to other countries and the environment for entrepreneurship. The environment for entrepreneurship is presented using the country institutional profile for entrepreneurship and the international comparison uses Global Entrepreneurship Monitor data. The study evaluates the level of effectiveness of entrepreneurship education in Poland’s higher economic system by contrasting the current undergraduate and postgraduate programs in leading institutions. The activities of central government institutions, mainly the Ministry of Science and Higher Education are also evaluated. Thereafter, the availability of entrepreneurship programs at the universities is appraised followed by an analysis of the objectives and content of leading programs. The study found that entrepreneurship education programmes were widely available with effective regional coverage. Moreover, the study found that the content of courses was directed towards managing small businesses as opposed to the start-up process. The study recognized the need for further research to explore the impact of such courses.


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How to Cite
Zbierowski, P. (2014). Entrepreneurial Education in Poland in the Context of an Institutional Profile and an International Comparison of Entrepreneurial Activity. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 13(26), 73-89. Retrieved from https://horyzontywychowania.ignatianum.edu.pl/HW/article/view/59