Editorial: Narrative – Interdisciplinary Perspectives

  • Irmina Rostek Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie, Wydział Pedagogiczny, Instytut Nauk o Wychowaniu


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Philosophers have been reflecting on the concept of narration since the ancient times, and the concept has played a prominent role in the studies of human existence and its meaning. Roland Barthes (1966) stated, that the narrative is present at all times, in all places, in all societies –   in myths, legends, fairy tales, novels, dramas, movies, comics, conversations ...


Barthes, R. (1966). Introduction to the Structural Analysis, Communications, 8.

Kreiswirth M. (2000). Merely Telling Stories? Narrative and Knowledge in the Human Sciences, Poetics Today, 21, 293–318.

How to Cite
Rostek, I. (2018). Editorial: Narrative – Interdisciplinary Perspectives. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 17(42), 7-8. Retrieved from https://horyzontywychowania.ignatianum.edu.pl/HW/article/view/1666