The Family constructed for the Purpose of Persuasion in the Light of Advertising and Trademark Research

  • Anna Ryłko-Kurpiewska Uniwersytet Gdański
Keywords: Family, Word and Graphic Characters, Television Advertising, Society


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE:The purpose of the article is to show the relationship between the image  of the family in language and creative activities in advertising, and to present the current image of  the family in advertising activities based on trademark analysis and television advertising research.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS:The research problem is to show how to present the family in advertising while indicating the reasons for persuasion. Among the research methods, the dictionary data analysis, corpus analysis, potential tests, frame semantics and, as an alternative, a linguistic image of the world were chosen.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION:The argument consists of three parts. The purpose of the first part is to show the specifics of the word and concept of the family in language in the light of corpus and dictionary studies, which show the reasons for the ways of presenting the family in advertising. The rest of the discussion presents ways of using the concept of the family in the design of trademarks.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The conducted research proves that the way the family is presented in television advertising corresponds to the most popular dictionary and corpus meanings that justify the choice of a  nuclear family in advertising instead of a multi-generational family.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS:The  image  of  the  family  in  trademarks and TV commercials is less diverse when combined with media messages of a non-persuasive function. It also differs from the family image in Internet-specific ads. The use of the traditional meaning of the family fixed in language and colloquial thinking is modified to the needs of the intended addressee (mother, father, their offspring), which opens the discussion on the changing patterns of masculinity, femininity and childhood.



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How to Cite
Ryłko-Kurpiewska, A. (2020). The Family constructed for the Purpose of Persuasion in the Light of Advertising and Trademark Research. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 19(49), 101-114.
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