The need to find your/own place in the world - humanistic inspirations for educational activities

Keywords: awareness, thinking, understanding, agency, commitment


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the undertaken analyzes is to indicate coherent - in their significance and meaning, although variously defined – ways and processes read as educational inspirations flowing from the discussed authors.

RESEARCH PROBLEMS AND METHODS: The research problem is to realize the possibilities of managing your life, to experience responsible agency in your activities in various spheres of human life. The research methods used constitutean analysis isolating the concepts and categories relevant for our purpose (comparative analysis) and reading their sense and meaning in the context of the adopted research issues (content analysis) using elements of the method phenomenological insight and elements of philosophical hermeneutics.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The paths indicated by selected authors are opportunities for finding yourself and thus your place in the world in a sense of agency and self-determination. They constitute certain processes and mechanisms that can and should inspire to educational activities in the spirit of humanities.

RESEARCH RESULTS: They can be included in five key categories necessary to achieve the indicated goal, which are: narrative of yourself and your activities (reflection, self-reflection, internal conversation, dialogue and narrative imagination); asking yourself questions about the sense of being in the world in a sense of authenticity; understanding of yourself and the surrounding reality; responsibility for your own thinking, speaking, understanding and acting; commitment to personal and social development, taking a position (a conscious way of being in the world).

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS: They are read inspirations such as waking up, moving, shaking to change, to be better yourself, to develop in the process of education. It is actions (praxis) that create self-awareness and identity by defining a place in the world, which is why education should be the art of a responsible and satisfying life.

Author Biography

Magdalena Joachimowska, Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiegow Bydgoszczy;Wydział Nauk Pedagogicznych

Magdalena Joachimowska, dr nauk humanistycznych, pedagog, certyfikowany tutor, coach i trener PRIDE

Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy; Katedra Pedagogiki Społecznej

Zainteresowania badawcze: pedagogika społeczna, zaangażowanie i uczestnictwo społeczne, edukacja środowiskowa, rozwój personalny, rodzicielstwo zastępcze, diagnostyka społeczna (superwizja i ewaluacja), wychowanie humanistyczne w kanonach klasyki, coaching i tutoring w działaniach pedagogicznych.

Udział w projektach unijnych POKL – prowadzenie warsztatów i szkoleń w obszarze pracy socjalnej w latach 2008-2018


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How to Cite
Joachimowska, M. (2020). The need to find your/own place in the world - humanistic inspirations for educational activities. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 19(52), 45-55.