Potrzeba afirmacji człowieka jako wyzwanie dla wychowania

Keywords: humanism, , anthropocentrism, person, affirmation, selflessness


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the article is to attempt to justify the thesis that contemporary education has been facing a special, urgent challenge – a strong reliance on human‑affirming anthropology. It is required by the situation, of the growing criticism of humanism on the one hand, and on the other – the prolonged coronavirus pandemic.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The analysis of the contemporary socio‑cultural situation and the position of man and humanity in it, in the light of the personalistic philosophical thought of D. von Hildebrand, Ch. Delsol and R. Spaemann.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The author begins with a description of the current situation of culture that has been distancing itself gradually from the idea of humanism. At the same time, she draws attention to the difficult educational consequences of the pandemic situation. She argues that human affirmation is the only correct response. The author justifies a need for such an attitude by referring to Christian personalism as defined by D. von Hildebrand, Ch. Delsol and R. Spaemann. The argument ends with conclusions for upbringing.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The conducted analysis leads to the conclusion that only Christian personalism allows to fully justify the need of affirmation of a human being, to explain understanding of such a need, and to indicate ways of implementing this attitude.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The conclusions of the con‑ducted analysis concern the possibility of shaping the attitude of human affirmation and sensitivity to humanity. According to the author, it is necessary to create attitudes towards man and the world that condition the attitude of affirmation of man and the world – that is, the attitudes of recognition, awe, admiration and selflessness.


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How to Cite
Olbrycht, K. (2020). Potrzeba afirmacji człowieka jako wyzwanie dla wychowania . HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 19(50), 93-104. https://doi.org/10.35765/hw.1918