Living in Exile of Polish Children. A Review Article

Keywords: living in exile, child, homeland, school, educator


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the review article is to refer to the facts concerning the saving of Polish children in the period of the Bolshevik revolution after the First World War in Syberia and Manchuria, as shown in W. Theiss’s book, and comparing them with the situation of Polish children living in exile on a few continents during the Second World War in the context of preserv‑ ing their Polish identity.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The article is to present some similarities of the situation of Polish children living out of the homeland in the period of the Bolshevik Revolution in Syberia and Manchuria, and their wandering plight in Mexico, Africa and New Zealand, as well as.  The analysis concerned mainly facts gained from archival sources, appropriate for the methodology of research within the scope of the history of education.

 THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The argumentation consists of two basic parts. In the first one – through the prism of the reviewed book, the author shows the children evacuation from the Soviet Far East to the homeland. In the second one, the author shows the situation of children in exile during the Second World War and their return to the homeland, which was a complex prob‑ lem due to political reasons.

RESEARCH RESULTS: A complete analysis showed the likeness of the plight of the Polish chil‑ dren living in exile and the concern to save them from being uprooted and the differences referring to their return to Poland. 

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS:  The idea of return to homeland is timeless and still relevant. Its realization is in the emotional and deeply patriotic dimension, enriching the Polish nation and state, regardless of the historical period.


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How to Cite
Chmielewski, W. (2022). Living in Exile of Polish Children. A Review Article. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 21(58), 153-163.