Selected Considerations for the Design of School Career Guidance Offers

Keywords: career counseling, career education


Research objective: The aim of the study is to analyze selected premises that are the starting point for consideration on the direction and form of projects implemented in Polish schools in the field of career counseling.

Research problem and methods: The research problem is the question, what the current premises for designing the goals and directions of career guidance in the educational system are. The article is a theoretical analysis. The review of  existing data, scientific literature and selected legal acts was done.

Process of argumentation: Three perspectives of analyzing data sources for projects in career education implemented in the educational system were presented. The first perspective consists of documents defining the legal and organizational framework for the implementation of counselling offers in the Polish education system. The second perspective relates to the EU and national policies for promoting the idea  of lifelong learning. The third group of premises is educational in nature and results from contemporary career theories.

Research results: The conducted analysis shows the consequences of adopting contemporary career theories for operationalizing the counseling goals designed in the education system.

Conclusions, innovations, and recommendations: Analysis of the sources of career  counseling objectives justifies the need for reflection on adequate to the described transformations solutions in the field of school methodology and diagnostics of career counseling. School career counseling should be oriented towards career education, and this assumption updates the questions about the competencies of contemporary career counsellor. It is advisable to reflect on the competence profile of career counsellor working in the educational system.



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How to Cite
Rosalska, M. (2021). Selected Considerations for the Design of School Career Guidance Offers. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 20(56), 159-166.