The Implications of Ignatian Praesupponendum in Educational Dialogue

Keywords: educational dialogue, praesupponendum, education, Ignatian pedagogy, educative love


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of this article is to demonstrate the implications of the Ignatian principle of praesupponendum in the contemporary educational dialogue.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The research problem raises the following questions: Why are the precepts of the Ignatian concept of praesupponendum relevant in the educational dialogue today? To what extent do the precepts of praesupponendum respond to the contemporary problems encountered in educational dialogue? What practical indications of praesupponendum are relevant in the contemporary educational dialogue? This paper employed an exegetic and an analytical-synthetic method with regard to the literature in the field.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The Ignatian principle of praesupponendum was analyzed on the basis of scientific literature available in this field. A four-step gradation of its content was presented with regard to the situations that can occur in educational dialogue.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The performed analyses demonstrate that the content of praesupponendum corresponds to the problems of the contemporary educational dialogue. The component parts into which the principle was divided are consistent with specific situations that educational dialogue may be confronted with.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The indications that derive from the analysis of the Ignatian principle of praesupponendum are fully relevant to the contemporary educational situations. Its precepts may advance and enrich our understanding of educational dialogue through its pivotal concepts that include: the attitude of openness and understanding, the ability of loving correction and seeking all appropriate means of supporting the mentee in their holistic growth.



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How to Cite
Frejusz, K. (2021). The Implications of Ignatian Praesupponendum in Educational Dialogue. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 20(56), 23-33.