Jesuit Upbringing as Prevention Against Fundamentalism, Bigotry and Pharisaism

Keywords: fanaticism, fundamentalism, pharisaism, critical thinking, Jesuit education


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The objective of the work is presenting the pseudoreligion F hypothesis created by a Czech theologian, sociologist and philosopher Tomáš Halík. The second part of the text presents the challenges of Jesuit upbringing which can be understood as a possible strategy and prevention against the pseudoreligion F.

RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS:Pseudoreligion F is a hypothesis through which Tomáš Halík interprets similarities among several pathological phenomena of the contemporary social culture as well as Christian religiosity. The key solution is the critical education and dialogue. It is the system of Jesuit education that can be understood as a tested preventive strategy. Critical analysis of the beginnings of Jesuit education shows that this is still a valid method of teaching and upbringing.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION:In the first part of the work, the pseudoreligion F hypothesis was presented, as well as some related theses. The objective of the first part is describing the sociological and philosophical criticism of contemporary religious pathologies. In the second part of the text, we will focus on the key tasks and challenges of Jesuit pedagogy.

RESEARCH RESULTS:Contemporary religious pathologies threaten Christianity as they distort the ideals of the Gospel to achieve short-term goals. In the context of Christianity, such pathologies also include clericalism and, more broadly, pharisaism. Critical thinking about these issues encourages us to search for strategies that can help “extinguish the fire.” One of such strategies is integral humanist education which is also represented by Jesuit education.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS: Despite the ambiguity of this term, critical thinking is considered to be the key tool for preventing fanaticism, fundamentalism, extremism, etc. The research is to show that critical education mainly refers to the complexity and integral anthropological line. Education and Jesuit education has a rich tradition based on the Ignatian and Jesuit spirituality. 


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How to Cite
Jeník, L. (2021). Jesuit Upbringing as Prevention Against Fundamentalism, Bigotry and Pharisaism. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 20(56), 57-67.