Accompaniment in the Period of the COVID-19 Pandemic Versus Social and Educational Activity of Retired Prison Officers

Keywords: accompaniment, active social and educational, mediated communication, Ignatian pedagogy, pedagogy of accompaniment


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The work reflects on the process of accompaniment during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland in the context of social and educational activity of retired prisoners.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The leading research problem is the question: what is the importance of accompanying and being in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic for retired Prison Service officers?

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The first part contains an introduction to the main considerations, and a detailed description of the research methodology, as well. In the second part an attempt was undertaken to describe the categories of the accompaniment from a pedagogical perspective and from the perspective of activities undertaken by retired prison officers. In the third part, the phenomenon of the COVID-19 pandemic was analyzed. The negative and positive effects of the pandemic in the context of the daily functioning of KZEIRSW were discussed. The fourth part describes the strategies and solutions undertaken by the retired prison officers which enabled to overcome the negative and psychological consequences of the pandemic. The last fragment of the publication is a  summary containing the scientific conclusions. 

RESEARCH RESULTS : The analyss show that the time of the COVID-19 pandemic is treated  by retired prison officers in terms of a difficult situation, and a specific time of accompaniment, as well. 

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Research based on the experiences of the last two years shows the legitimacy of choosing the online form of education and communication. This form gives participants the opportunity to be together and work despite the current difficult situation related to the pandemic. For the retired prison officers taking part in the educational „the Academia RetroC@fe” project was a challenge for many retired prison officers from KZEIRSW, and it initially aroused hesitation and fear.



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How to Cite
Urlińska-Berens, M. (2021). Accompaniment in the Period of the COVID-19 Pandemic Versus Social and Educational Activity of Retired Prison Officers. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 20(56), 107-118.