Between the Reel Subject and the Reality of Neuroscience. The History of a Certain Illusion in the Background of Ignatian Pedagogy

Keywords: Ignatian pedagogy, neuroscience, psychoanalysis, subject, topology


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE:The aim of the research analyses is to start a discussion on the importance of cognitive processes and neuroscientific theories in the aspect of Ignatian pedagogy and its assumptions regarding the sources of human cognition in his existence.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS:The main research problem is determined by the question of the “element of thinking” as a key task for the presentation of the subject and pedagogy understood as a form of commitment to the Other. In my reflections, I use the topological and at the same time triangulatory perspective of thinking about subjectivity, which is determined by the discourse of psychoanalysis of Jacques Lacan. In this sense, I assume that triangulation determines the logic of the causality of pedagogical discourses.     

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION:The perspective of research embedded in a critical paradigm allowing for a triad of discourse grounded in a context of language games, neurosciences and Ignatian pedagogy will be presented. 

RESEARCH RESULTS:The analysis of the research field and the cognitive field indicate the need to maintain a balance between individual discourses in order not to lead to the objectification of the discourse about the subject. 

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS:There is need to dynamize subjective actions in order to maintain a balance between the individual links of his existence.



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How to Cite
Węc, K. (2021). Between the Reel Subject and the Reality of Neuroscience. The History of a Certain Illusion in the Background of Ignatian Pedagogy. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 20(56), 77-85.