To Free and Develop Talents – Ignatian Inspirations in Selected Works by William J. Byron, Chris Lowney, and Javier Fernández Aguado

Keywords: ignatian pedagogy, vuca world, Chris Lowney, William James Byron SJ, Javier Fernandez Aguado


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The scientific goal of the article is to identify Ignatian inspirations employable when coping with the changeable reality of the so-called VUCA World. Important concepts in the context of the deliberations include the ideas and practices of self-education referring to recommendations contained in the writings of St Ignatius Loyola, as well as ideas and practices related to educating others in the spirit of leadership and provision of optimum guidance for community activity.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: Research problems and questions: how does Ignatian pedagogy relate to the educational challenges in the VUCA world? What lies at the foundation of leadership guidelines inspired by Loyola’s thoughts and actions? How does one shape and educate oneself and others with such proposals in mind?

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The discussion opens with a conceptual clarification and definition of the VUCA World. Next, carefully selected publications are considered (after brief biographical presentation of their authors: William J. Byron, Chris Lowney, and Javier Fernández Aguado) that make reference to VUCA and provide models applicable to leadership and management of organisations , as well as the relationship between the roles of educator, guide, and leader.

 RESEARCH RESULTS: Analytical results allow the identification of the points of convergence in terms of team management and education of leaders immune to the dangers of the VUCA World on the one hand, and Ignatian pedagogy on the other. The advantages of leadership rooted in Loyola’s thought are appreciated both by advocates of Ignatian pedagogy and actual leaders of large, global corporations and NGOs.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS: Ignatian inspirations are important to many individuals involved in teaching and education, but also ones taking up the challenge of ensuring the optimum functioning of communities and various organisations. Its value now increasingly recognised by both managers and theologians.


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How to Cite
Rygielska, M. (2022). To Free and Develop Talents – Ignatian Inspirations in Selected Works by William J. Byron, Chris Lowney, and Javier Fernández Aguado. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 21(57), 95-106.