Ignatian Pedagogy in the VUCA World

Keywords: VUCA prime, Ignatian pedagogy, discernment, experience, reflection


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of this article is to present the specific dynamism of Ignatian pedagogy, which can help contemporary man find a life orientation directed towards the most important goal and a sense of meaning. The aim is also to extend the application of the Ignatian pedagogy model beyond the educational reality.

 THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The research problem developed in this paper is: What does Ignatian pedagogy have to offer to a man living in the reality defined as the VUCA world? In the search for an answer, an analysis of the literature was made.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The article briefly characterizes the reality of VUCA by relating it to everyday life. The need to possess the clues in order to move effectively through the experience of life was pointed out. They were sought in the dynamics of the Ignatian pedagogy paradigm the functioning of the VUCA reality. It was indicated how this model can be adapted to the functioning of the VUCA reality.

RESEARCH RESULTS: While staying in the logics of the Ignatian principle of adaptation to persons, place and time, it was shown how the dynamism of Ignatian pedagogy can help contemporary man find a sense of his own empowerment.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: It is worth noticing that contemporary man would not stop in his searching for the ultimate goal and a sense of meaning in the experience of life. Ignatian pedagogy can provide a response or an antidote to a world that generates chaos caused by the permeation of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity that take place in it. This recommendation is possible thanks to the Ignatian principle of adaptation to people, place and time


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How to Cite
Dybowska, E. (2022). Ignatian Pedagogy in the VUCA World. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 21(57), 11-19. https://doi.org/10.35765/hw.2022.57.03