Narratives in Research on the Music Education

Keywords: narratives, qualitative research, music education, scientific reflection, education


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: Reflection on the issues of narrative research in the space of music education and outlining the relationship between narration and music.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: What are the relationships between narratives and research on music education, and what are the possibilities of using narratives in the artistic and research space of music? The conducted analysis of Polish and foreign scientific literature enabled to make an objective picture of the specificity of discovering sources in creating scientific stories describing the relationships and interactions that are created between entities in communication with the use of artistic means.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: Nowadays, there is a need and necessity to look at reflective practice and the conducted research on teachers. As the narrative plays importance and functions in communication and the development of the personality of artistic and educational entities, it is a special challenge for theory, experience and practice in the social field. Narrative research is now clearly interdisciplinary in nature, and thus includes elements of literature, history, anthropology, sociology, psychology, and cultural studies. Due to their high scientific value, they are worth using in the process of documenting biographies, describing events, individual experiences and experiences in the pursuit of understanding human nature immersed in the world of sounds, searching for the meaning of existence, value and beauty, what the authors try to prove in the presented article using selected means of scientific reflection.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The authors see the relationship between narration and music in research on music education, they see it as a cognitive, educational and inspirational opportunity.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Popularization of narrative research carried out with an educational intention, seen from the point of view of the musical-pedagogical-psychological, artistic-social and biographical-musicological areas.

Author Biography

Maciej Kołodziejski, Nicolaus Copernicus University

dr hab., prof. nadzw. KPSW, muzyk, pedagog muzyki, dydaktyk


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How to Cite
Kołodziejski, M., & Kisiel, M. (2022). Narratives in Research on the Music Education. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 21(59), 45-56.