From Personal to Empirical Interests in the Light of the Four‑Phase Model by Suzanne D. Hidii and Ann K. Renninger and Selected Narratives of Qualitative Research Participants



RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The scientific aim of the article is to deepen understanding of the process of developing interests from personal to empirical ones with reference to the four-phase model of interest development by Suzanne D. Hidi and Ann K. Renninger.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The research problem is included in the question: What is the process of the development of interests from personal to empirical ones with ref- erence to the model of interest development by Suzanne D. Hidi and Ann K. Renninger in the light of selected narratives of qualitative research participants? The research method is the method of biographical narrative analysis: thematic analysis of the collected material (Riessman, 2008) with the help of a digression-reflective essay.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The research process was theoretical-cognitive and empirical in nature. The first step was developing theoretical foundations for understanding the problem. Then, we focused on the concept of interests according to the four-phase model of interest development by Suzanne D. Hidi and Ann K. Renninger. The next stage was the analysis and interpretation of the collected research material with the use of the narrative technique called a reflective-digression essay. The last step was drawing conclusions and suggesting postulates.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The analysis of the collected material showed the importance of the development of personal interests for professional development. The stages of development of these interests proceed in different ways, but individual (personal) interests are explored in an interdisciplinary dimension, which facilitates personal and social development of a human being.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: There is a need to correlate the above-mentioned interests, which may stimulate the development of all educational entities remaining in specific interpersonal relationships. Therefore, their specific features in the individualization of the educational process, especially at the academic level, should be reflected in educational curricula.


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How to Cite
Szymańska, M. (2022). From Personal to Empirical Interests in the Light of the Four‑Phase Model by Suzanne D. Hidii and Ann K. Renninger and Selected Narratives of Qualitative Research Participants. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 21(59), 33-43.